Some Thoughts About the Marriage Debate

rebuilding-her-shattered-trust-marriage-mattersThis week we will hear arguments presented to the US Supreme Court which will, most likely, settle the legality of same-sex marriage once and for all. So far the justices are predictably divided – 3 for the traditional view; 3 for revision; Justice Kennedy  providing the swing vote.  Two cases are under consideration here: The Defense of Marriage Act and California’s Proposition 8, voted into place by California voters in 2008 as a defense of traditional marriage. Whatever the outcome, there’ll be anguish and elation, simultaneously, nationwide.

Personally, I’ll be shocked if the court doesn’t vote in favor of same sex marriage, officially ushering in a new era with untold ramifications. But even if I’m wrong, no doubt America will see homosexual marriage ratified, if not now, then soon. It’s impossible for even the most hopeful traditionalist to deny the trends, and they run decidedly in favor of revising, rather than maintaining, the status quo.

What to do?

My family and I are committed more than ever to being about our Father’s business. Yes, we’re sad, and sure, we fear for the future of a nation openly rejecting the God who so hugely blessed it. But when Jesus said “My kingdom is not of this world” (John 18:36) He was speaking quite literally. The joy that was set before Him had little to do with this world’s current state, but rather with the world to come, where God and His principles will reign, unquestioned, once and forever. So for now, if everyone from my President to my Supreme Court Justices to major religious leaders all say black is now white, white is thereby black, and anyone who disagrees is dangerous, well, I don’t have to join them. Nor do I need to tremble before their dedication to foolishness. Rather, I need to look at the responsibilities my Lord has put in my hands, and attend to them like a good steward.

I have my own marriage to attend to, loving my wife sacrificially and being the partner she deserves.

I’ve a grown son, and one I’m still raising (hopefully well) and hopefully teaching him to do the same.

I have my own neighbors to love, serving them practically and communicating the Good News to them as wisdom and circumstance allow. And I have my own calling to fulfill, a calling not given by nor dependent upon cultural trends; a calling I’ll surely answer for when I stand before the Judgment Seat of Christ.

So I guess I’m busy. I know you are, too. Too busy, in fact, to wring our hands over decisions made by fellow citizens, elected leaders and appointed justices. Mind you, I’m not calling for inaction. In fact, now, more than ever, I think we need to turn our collective efforts towards securing freedom of speech and religion regarding human sexuality, two freedoms we will undoubtedly see threatened as current trends continue.

But responsible action and fear-based stress are certainly two different things. I’m sorry for what we’re seeing, sure, because we’re seeing nothing less than a dismantling of boundaries and definitions God instituted, and the arrogance behind that dismantling will carry, for some, a terrifying price in this life and the next.

And yet, as my beloved Alfred E. Newman used to grin on the cover of MAD Magazine, “What, Me Worry?” Because what looks like midnight in America will dissolve, perhaps very soon, into a morning we’ve talked about for decades and hope more than ever to see. And that’s a promise that’s non-negotiable, not up for vote, and can never be legislated away.

We’re citizens of a nation devolving before our eyes. But we’re also captured by exceeding great and precious promises, whereby, as Peter said, we’ve been made partakers of the divine nature. (II Peter 1:4)

Divine. Above and beyond political affiliations and trends, everlasting and holy.

With that in mind, may we never be indifferent. But may we always be at peace.


apronheadlilly | Mar 25, 2013

Well said.

Bob Brooke | Mar 25, 2013

My view of the situation, too. "And those who endure to the end will be saved." Keep looking to Jesus.

Joe | Mar 26, 2013

Thanks Joe

HERBERT (@bigben54962) | Mar 26, 2013

I couldn"t imagine a day where I didn"t acknoledge Christ. He has bestowed many blessings upon me and my family. I feel sadness for this country. America was once full of faith. Now its becoming more and more faithless. Sinful corruption and immorality taking presidence over the masses. The second coming will find many with their backs toward the sun. The spiritual blessing many await, the turmoil for many, the firey fate.

Julie | Mar 26, 2013

I read this yesterday and while I didn't have time to reply then, I do now. Your words have weighted heavily on my heart. All of this has. And I hear it in your words too. In the past, when this debate has come up I have either been part of those debates, trying to respond in a calm and loving manner, and I have also been very grieved at how nasty many Christians can be about this too. :( When Jesus said to love each other, He meant it. He didn't say unless they are actively sinning, or gay or whatever. The grief I feel is two that those that are homosexuals are told they cannot change by the world, even if they want too! That they are born this way. Everyone has heard the manta 'born this way' for so many years people just believe it without questioning it. Where is the evidence? Even a song was made for it...:/

I have read comments by gays that DO want to change but feel trapped and hopeless because of the lies they have been told about this. They want out of this lifestyle but don't know how..every door is being closed that might have offered some help to them. :(

Then there are those that want us to stop calling it a sin, and approve them forever being separated from God. And I just can't do that because I DO care about them. I cannot vote or put my stamp of approval on them going to hell, which is what I would be doing if I said I was for gay marriage.

The other things that grieves me just as much is the Christians that think they are defending God or His Word, as if He is incapable of taking care of Himself...or playing God themselves towards these people. The sheer hated and anger is appalling and not what the bible teaches. If the bible says God will show His means Him...not us! It doesn't say, 'believers show my wrath towards certain people.' :/ They sicken me because they are driving people away from God, not too Him and one day they will have to account for that. As the bible says, God will judge His people first.

I got out of discussion and debates for quiet awhile. I felt like people really didn't want to listen, so why bother? It seemed I was not helping anything or changing anyone's minds. But today I did engage some people because I am tired of them trying to manipulate us by saying if we aren't for gay marriage we are haters, bigots and narrow minded...I do not hate gay heart breaks for them. I care enough to say something. I shouldn't be bullied into remaining quiet and that is how I I am being bullied and I don't like it one bit. They say we are intolerant yet they refuse to tolerant our views. :/ They say we are narrow minded, yet they only allow for one thought on this subject and it has to be their way, no other way of thinking is allowed. :/ They say we hate gays, while calling us names and acting hateful towards us. :/

If I went to Africa or Asia where they do not have medication to treat AIDS and told a gay man it was ok to do what he wants to do....sleep with other loving would he think it was of me to say that later when he laid dying a slow and agonizing death on a dirty cot? Or should I have added, its ok as long as you are 'safe'? To make it better? If instead I taught him God's laws and he actually followed those, he wouldn't need protection from any diseases in the first place. Now that would be loving him like God wants him loved.

Anyway...sorry for the ramble! Its been a hard day...

Jerry | Mar 27, 2013

" I need to look at the responsibilities my Lord has put in my hands, and attend to them like a good steward." Yes Joe. Joining with you.

Lori Kinder | Mar 30, 2013

As always, straight to the heart of the matter . . . well said my friend!

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