Strange Ire: John MacArthur, Charismatics, and Controversy

I think it’s odd that grown-ups quarrel so easily and so often about petty matters.                                                                                                                                           – Anne Frank, “The Diary of a Young Girl”

Strange FireSometimes it’s best to just look away when people are behaving badly. Spectators at a brawl can, by their presence, encourage and even ramp it up. We all remember what happened in school when someone yelled “Fight!” Everyone came a’ runnin’ because everyone, it seems, is entertained by conflict. I don’t see that as healthy or good, so the responsible thing to do is, in most cases, just keep walking.

But some conflicts should be noted and learned from, and the current one generated by Dr. John MacArthur’s new book Strange Fire, and his recent public comments about Charismatic believers, is a pretty good case in point.

MacArthur, as you probably know, is a prolific author, radio host of the syndicated show Grace to You, and longstanding pastor of Grace Community Church in Sun Valley, CA. Controversy’s no stranger to him – his past public comments about Christian counseling and Christian rock have ruffled plenty of feathers, mine included – but I respect him and deeply appreciate so much of what he’s written and said, not to mention his consistent shepherding of the thousands at Grace Community Church.

But I don’t think he’d return the admiration, judging by his recently released book Strange Fire: The Danger of Offending the Holy Spirit with Counterfeit Worship (Thomas Nelson) which has just hit the stores. Quotes from it, and from him, have also just hit the fan. Among them:

-The charismatic movement dishonors God and deserves judgment.

-Charismatics are attributing to the Holy Spirit the works of Satan.

-The Charismatic movement has made no contribution to biblical clarity, interpretation, or sound doctrine.

-God doesn’t strike it down only because He’s patient

OK, full disclosure: I’m a Charismatic member of the Assemblies of God who does indeed believe in a second experience commonly known as the “baptism in the Spirit”, and in the operation of supernatural gifts of the Holy Spirit as seen in the Book of Acts and discussed in the epistles. But really, I’ve no particular dog in this fight. I’m in close fellowship with plenty of non-charismatic believers holding a different view, and both they and I literally couldn’t care less. This simply can’t be an issue worth dividing over, and never try telling me that either Charismatics or non-Charismatics have the corner on doctrinal soundness or holy living. Charismatic leaders like the late Chuck Smith or Pastor Jack Hayford are, to my thinking, on par with non-Charismatic giants like J. Vernon McGee and RC Sproul. Plenty of room in the Body of Christ for both; plenty of good done for the Body by both as well.

So my concern is not MacArthur’s dim view of charismatics, a view he’s not only entitled to but one which is shared by some of my favorite Bible teachers. My beef is with his insistence that the issue is one which essentially divides sheep and goats. His ire is raised by the numbers and influence of those identifying as charismatic, but to my thinking it’s a strange ire, every bit as strange as the strange fire he laments, roused by an issue I just can’t see as essential. And indeed, on some basics like the divinity of Christ or the authority of scripture, I would part company with those holding a different view because those are vital doctrines that cannot be compromised. But this? Different opinions allowed; no harm, no foul.

MacArthur does, in fact, make points charismatics should take to heart. He rightfully notes there have been some inexcusable extremes among them, ranging from outlandish behavior during worship to nonsensical claims of the Spirit prompting hysterical laughter or animal noises, and ludicrous self appointed prophets demanding cult-like authority and tolerating no criticism of their flamboyance. And don’t get me started on those folks who mambo with rattle snakes and call it worship! So yes, like all groups, ours has its wayward elements that should be called out. But it’s common knowledge that casting too broad a critical net unfairly tarnishes the many with the extremes of the few.

Stoking the fire is the recent bustup at MacArthur’s conference on the subject last week, when Mars Hill mega-church pastor and author Mark Driscoll (himself no shrinking violet when it comes to controversy) showed up, seeking to distribute his more pro-charismatic books on the conference grounds without permission, challenging MacArthur’s position and later claiming his materials were forcibly confiscated by Grace Community Church’s security.

I disagree with MacArthur’s position on charismatics, but agree with his insistence that only pre-approved materials be allowed at his own conference. I agree with Driscoll’s position on charismatics but disagree with his barging into a conference pushing his books and viewpoints, even if they are views I share. And while shaking my head over everything I disagree with, I’m reminded of Anne Frank’s comment on childish behavior among adults quarreling so easily and unnecessarily.

Because really, with the number of social ills, ministry challenges, and genuine heresies facing the church today, can’t we find something more worthwhile to get worked up over?

I’m not saying there’s no room for discussion, even the heated sort. We can voice our disagreements over doctrinal issues. Why not? Arguments like that can be instructive to everyone involved. But we cross unacceptable lines when we cast aspersions on the spiritual authenticity of those we disagree with. So I say we keep up the vigorous debates over the timing of the Church’s rapture, the possibility or impossibility of losing one’s salvation, the nature of the coming tribulation and yes, the fabrication or reality of the charismatic experience. In-house debates on these matters can be healthy and productive, provided they’re had without resorting to broad dismissals and sweeping stereotypes.

That happens when we take to heart what Rupertus Medenius, the German Lutheran theologian of the early 17th century, said in his oft-quoted phrase, “In essentials, unity. In non-essentials, liberty. And in all things, charity.”

To which I’d humbly add,

“Lord give us wisdom to know the difference between essentials and non-essentials, and grace to hold the right position with the right attitude, never settling for one without the other. Amen.”


jl5298 | Oct 28, 2013

Thanks for this...badly needed sound advise for today!

Darla Meeks | Oct 28, 2013

Thank you, Joe. I agree with you, but it's hard not to have hurt feelings.

I am a charismatic Anglican, and I love liturgical worship (which is also very physical with our kneeling, standing,crossing well as lifting holy hands in the air). In the end, the Father seeks those who worship Him in Spirit and in truth...the postures are not important, just expressive of our love for Him.

I love the Lord with all my heart, and I would never attribute the works of the Holy Spirit to the would seem Rev. MacArthur has it backwards since he apparently thinks I should be struck down dead like Ananias and Saphira for manifesting the Lord's gifts. The Strange Fire conference was so unloving, hurtful and full of ignorance, based on the articles I read about not only Rev. MacArthur's comments, but also that of other speakers. St. Paul said that he who thinks he knows anything knows nothing as he ought to know.

St. Paul actually deals with many of the real and potential problems that arise when the gifts of Spirit are in play in a congregation. He discusses that the prayer language is to be done in private, for instance. Let's stick to Scripture and drop all this factioning, which is a work of flesh. We are to desire the better gifts, which are listed in Corinthians, for the edification of the church, and for purposes of evangelism. As Jesus said, "Do not rejoice that the demons obey you; rather, say 'I am an unworthy servant and have only done what is my duty to do'". I have witnessed great miracles and have experienced instantaneous healings in my body.

Mark Driscoll needs to give this kind of thing no importance, as the Lord has led me to do. The Lord will deal with cessationists as He sees fit, while continuing to empower His people for service through the baptism with the Holy Spirit.

I speak in tongues. Sue me.

Greg D | Oct 28, 2013


You are much more kinder with MacArthur than I am. Pardon me for my straightforwardness on this matter. But, I question the character and integrity of any popular religious figure (like MacArthur) who so blatantly condemns our brothers and sisters in Christ to hell. Since when does he have the authority to condemn? MacArthur, and others of his ilk are what give evangelical Christianity a bad name. Why would anyone on the outside looking in want anything to do with Christ when all they see are certain individuals stoking the fire of division, anger, tribalism, and outright madness? I know I wouldn't. Unlike you, I DO NOT respect MacArthur... at all. His arrogant, know-it-all, grumpy, attitude is NOT the Spirit of Christ, but that of the Pharisees... the very people that Christ had some very harsh words for.

MacArthur and his brand of Christianity does not appeal to today's younger generation and explains the reason why many young folks are leaving the church in droves. But, I am confident of this... that MacArthur and others like him will be largely irrelevant within the next 10 years. Where we will begin to see a resurgence of the faith that Christ reflected in His life and will be lived out through a new community of believers focused not so much on right beliefs, but right living that reflect the love, grace, and truth of Christ our King to the world around us.

This is my humble and honest opinion. Thanks for your wonderful ministry, brother.

Stepping off my soapbox.

Terry Inman | Oct 28, 2013

I attended a leaders conference hosted by John's charismatic neighbor Dr. Jack Hayford. John was invited by Jack to be one of the speakers. John was great ! He would do well to heed his own theme ..." Grace to You "! Terry Inman

John Parker | Oct 28, 2013

I agree wholeheartedly with this article and much of what has been written in response here. Having graduated with a degree in theology from the Masters College in the early 90’s (where he was the President) and having sat under the teaching of Dr. MacArthur for much of my early years as a Christian, I am deeply saddened by the damaging messages that come from his ministry. He is, in my opinion, a very gifted expositor of scripture and has made a great impact in this world for the gospel of Christ. Yet, if we look at scripture, particularly 1 Corinthians 13, it’s clear that all our amazing effort doesn’t really amount to much if we don’t have love. Sadly, I often see a lack of love coming from his direction toward those he disagrees with. This is part of the reason I “left” his camp in the early 2000’s. I am compelled to find leaders who are filled with grace (not those who just preach about grace or simply include the word “grace” in the name of their ministry). I pray for Dr. Macarthur, that he will begin to exhibit Christ-like love, grace and humility sometime before he meets Jesus face to face. But if he never changes his ways this side of eternity, I’m confident that our Savior will be gracious toward him. Unfortunately, our generation will remain, and have to pick up the pieces that are left from the prideful disunity that continues to damage our witness and credibility in the world.

J Birnbaum | Oct 28, 2013

Thank you, Joe. You nailed it as you always seem to do! It seems like so many people feel they have to take sides in matters like this, but having read up on the controversies, it does seem so silly. There's no side to take here. It's harsh, but my response to both of them is, "Grow up"!

Give Renee a big squish! <3

Trent | Oct 28, 2013

I don't have a dog in this either, much. But I do have an opinion like everyone else.
What is MacArthur's point about anyone attributing anything to an act of the Holy Spirit when according to him the Spirit is now powerless or simply doesn't exist on earth? In his mind, that makes any act attributable to some sort of spirit immediately suspect as an act of the Enemy.
Just thought I'd point it out.
Otherwise, I couldn't tell John MacArthur from Michael Marcavage, but both have said quite a bit that's worthy of ire and I have no personal respect for either.
Further, Driscol's a complete nutbag for such childish behavior and should be treated like the brat he is. just sayin'.

John Parker | Oct 28, 2013

I don’t think MacArthur teaches that the Holy Spirit is powerless or doesn’t exist on earth. But he certainly does seem to confine Him to a rigid box that matches his own limited understanding (and all of us have a limited understanding). I have had to come to terms with the fact that the Holy Spirit can do whatever He wants to do and isn’t limited to just what I experience. This is God we are talking about. He is omnipotent. I think John teaches this, but then conveniently forgets about doctrine when it comes to the gifts of His Spirit.
I completely understand why you and so many people would have a lot of angst toward Dr. MacArthur and Driscol. They both have their strengths and weaknesses. I love them both AND can’t stand some of the things they do in the name of Jesus. May we all hold fast to the truth of God’s word AND have grace toward those who are still afflicted by our fallen, sinful, human condition.

Sundi Jo | Oct 29, 2013

Thank you for this respectful, yet powerful post.

Mike Wilbur | Oct 30, 2013

My two favorite guys for grace and truth at odds...John and Joe. I have a very heavy heart.

Mark T. Zak | Nov 23, 2013

Think I may turn in my "MacAthurism" card...

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