Sound Doctrine: Endangered Species, Essential Structure

Sound doctrineAll a man, a church or a denomination needs to guarantee deterioration of doctrine is to take everything for granted and do nothing. The unattended garden will soon be overrun with weeds.
 -A.W. Tozer

I once heard a wise Rabbi say, “It’s no mystery how things happen. They’re allowed to happen, that’s how.”

As a father I know how that goes. The house doesn’t naturally get clean; the yard doesn’t automatically get greener; homework doesn’t get done on its own. Let things go their natural course and it’s all downhill, no mystery there. And more often than not, it went downhill because I allowed it to.

So it is with sound doctrine, a phrase we hear too little of and a concept we could take much, much more seriously. If our very lives are staked on certain truths, then we need to know what they are, which ones are essential, which ones are negotiable, and how to tell the difference. Neglect a tenacious hold on truth and you can expect a steady drift towards error until, like the garden overgrown with weeds, you see individuals and even entire denominations chipping away at the divinity of Christ, the Genesis account of Creation, or the definition of the family.

So a solid doctrinal foundation, shown by a working knowledge of the Bible and an ability to rightly divide the Word, is Ground Zero for Christian maturity. It’s not everything, I know. Where there’s spiritual maturity there’s also agape love and self-discipline, among other building blocks. But proper handling of the Word is right up there among them, and here’s how I think that plays out in today’s church: we need to Know the Word, Live the Word, Express the Word, and, as needed, Defend the Word.

Know the Word

When I was a sixteen year-old new convert, I joined a thousand of my closest friends three to five times weekly to sit under Pastor Chuck Smith at Calvary Chapel. Armed with nothing but Bibles and markers, we listened to expository teaching, verse by verse, often lasting 90 minute or longer. No videos, no warm-up games, no bells and whistles. There was, and remains, a deep hunger to know the Word, so 44 years later I guess I get impatient with the ongoing question “How do we get young people into our church?”

Granted, that’s a challenge in post-Christian America, but I can’t believe human need has changed so much that people aren’t still as hungry today as they were in 1971. And even if the numbers in our congregations don’t go up when the Word is taught, the maturity of our people surely will. If we are to have any measure of stability in the Body, it can’t come without a deep and even passionate re-commitment to teaching, and studying, the Scripture.

Live the Word

Let’s close shop if we’re not willing to apply and live out what we’re learning. This is especially true today, when hypocrisy among believers is a prime reason many people report being turned off to Christianity altogether, opting instead for the vague label Spiritual over Christian. Knowing the Bible is crucial, but when there’s a marked difference between the truth learned and the life lived, then the truth learned becomes quite irrelevant. God deliver us (today, preferably) from the horrendous sin of standing publicly for one thing while privately indulging something quite different. If we don’t practice what we preach, let’s at least have the decency to shut up.

Express and Defend the Word

I doubt that it will be enough to teach the Bible to our young people, if we don’t also prepare them to have what they’ve been taught challenged, refuted, ridiculed. It’s not enough for them to know; they also need to express and defend. That calls for preparation to articulate what they’ve learned, reasoning with people who disagree, defending Biblical concepts, and maintaining composure and respect in the face of an ever-more hostile culture’s withering cross-examination.

Surely there are enough apologists within the modern church who can rise to that challenge, because the need couldn’t be greater, and the fields sprouting our future evangelists, pastors and teachers couldn’t likewise be whiter for harvesting.

“Tell me what the world is saying today,” the late Francis Schaeffer once said, “and I will tell you what the Church will be saying in seven years.” Hate to say it, but I’ve found most of Schaeffer’s predictions about the church to be true. Our willingness to re-apply ourselves to a respect for the Word, evidenced by the way we study and live it out, will probably determine whether or not Schaeffer got it right on this one as well.

I so want to say, probably for the first time, that he was wrong.


James Todd Johnson | Nov 13, 2014

Thank you for your recent blog entry on church doctrine. I was out of church for a good 20 years or so before my repentance. After I returned I noticed many changes within the body of Christ and not just within one certain denomination. It may have been the fact that I was away from it all for so long that I noticed it so much. Whenever I would bring up the topic, people seemed to think I was wrong and/or over reacting. It would be more accurate to say, they thought I was wrong in my thinking, or I was putting God in a box. Their words, not mine... :/ The several denominations I attended during my search for a church home all failed in doctrine one way or another. Almost all of them have watered down the gospel in some way. Certain things either were no longer preached and certain other things were no longer done. It was all very confusing and troubling to me. I'm blessed to have had enough of a biblical foundation to recognize the problem. I feel so bad for those trying to find their way today. It's been difficult for me, but I can only imagine how it is for those who don't really know or understand much of anything. I believe the body of Christ has much to repent of, but convincing them of that, seems like an impossible task. It still disturbs me, but people don't really believe their specific denomination is ever wrong about much of anything. If I want to be included at all, I've found that I can't really talk about a lot of the issues I'd like. If many/most of our churches won't discuss someone like me repenting of homosexuality, they really don't want to have a conversation about it with someone like me. How could I possibly know or understand anything truly spiritual?! LOL - It' just exhausting, to say the least. It affects every part of the service. From the praise and worship, all the way to the alter call. That is, If you attend a church that even still does that! Thanks again and as always God bless!

Nkosingiphile Mlambo | Nov 13, 2014

So do you mean that if we learn the word, live the word, express and defend the word, Francis Schaeffer's view will be proven wrong or is already proven wrong by implementation of learn, live, express and defend the word? I just want to understand why you concluded that you disagree with him for the first time, thanks.

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