You’re Poetry in Motion – Really

Every Wednesday we’ll post a message having to do with doctrine and purity. Hope it helps.

You’re Poetry in Motion – Really

“For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works which God hath foreordained we should walk in.” -Ephesians 2:10

When Paul refers to us as His workmanship, the word he uses is poima (pronounced po-ee-ma) from which, of course, we get the English word poem.

Dwell on that a moment. You are His poem. Now, if you’ve ever tried writing poetry, you know it’s a distinct, powerful form of communication. The rhythm, mood and rhymes involved make it unique, having a specific impact on the hearer. “I love you” plays well, of course, but mix in some moon, June and swoon and you’ve got a powerful mix. Poetry is powerful.

Even more so when the poem is not a set of words string together, but instead a living soul with countless forms of expression – you, for instance. You are, according to scripture, God’s poem, and just as the poet seeks to express his heart and mind through his work, so the Creator seeks to express His heart and mind through you.

On the one hand this is a great blessing and comfort. It’s incredible, really, to dwell on the concept of you being His handiwork; His expression. Your unique personality, gifting, body, the whole package is a testament to His artistry. And there are, believe it or not, aspects of Him that are evident in aspects of you, especially when you’re abiding in Him and allowing His nature to form and express itself. People see a lot of your Father in you, as they should, and what they see of Him in you cannot be seen anywhere else. There’s the beauty and mystery of being His poem.

But there’s the responsibility as well, which is at least sobering; at most a bit scary, because He hates being misrepresented. So if you are indeed part of His physical representation on earth, you’d best be sure you’re representing Him accurately. That means seeking, prayerfully and consistently, for His spirit to form His attitudes, heart and mind more fully in You, so that your speech, thoughts and actions are consistent with His. Big job; gargantuan mandate. But what an honor.

And what a comforting way to view yourself. Poetry is, you know, attractive and memorable. May we be that today as well, an attractive people who God expresses His heart and mind through in ways that are unique and artistically brilliant. Because, like a catchy verse, you’re being read and, perhaps, even memorized. God grant that what’s read in you is dictated by Him. If it is, you’ll have been a lovely part of great artistry. And who knows? You may even be recited by an impressed reader you impacted along the way. God grant it, today and always.


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