Random Ramblings #26: Trusting God for Wisdom and Direction

Every Friday we’ll leave the topic oriented post, and instead post some personal comments.

A Cuppa Joe – Random Ramblings from a Fellow Struggler

Our shortage of wisdom keeps us seeking Him and prevents us from becoming hard hearted. It keeps us humble, malleable, correctable, changeable, and transformable, so that with each new day we might increasingly reflect His image.

-Wayne Cordeiro, The Divine Mentor

Living with my wife is a joy; driving with her is another matter, at least when she’s navigating. When I’m behind the wheel, I like to start with the big picture, knowing in advance which streets I’m taking and how long I’ll be on each one. But when she has the directions in hand, she holds the power, a status irresistible to my Beloved. So she trickles out the details one by one like a Chinese water torturer.

“Turn left at Pine. Joseph.”

“And then?”

“I’ll tell you when we’re on Pine.”

Drip, drip.

She knows in her sadistic little soul that I hate being dependent, and her smirk tells me she relishes my reliance on her. It keeps me humbly beholden to Madame Navigator, having to listen to her, wait for her instructions, stay attuned. It’s kinda cute. To a point.

I interrupt this blog to announce that my husband is projecting his own issues onto me. Thank you. Renee Dallas

So anyway, reliance. It’s enhanced when we know we need directions but don’t have them in their entirety. And the myriad of decisions, complexities, and potential consequences we face daily is enough – should be, anyway – to keep us beholden to the Navigator, waiting for instructions, staying attuned.

“If any of you lack wisdom”, James said, “let him ask it of God, who gives it liberally and upbraids not, and it shall be given him.” (James 1:5) Stupid question! is something you’ll never hear from the Navigator when you’re asking “Where do I turn now?” In fact, as Cordeiro points out in his excellent book cited above, our ongoing need for direction keeps us humble before God, communing with Him all the more diligently, and keenly aware of our reliance.

There’s also, at least in my experience, the bonding that happens between us and God when we trust the wisdom He’s given us. When I’ve been desperate for guidance, sought Him out for it, felt I’ve gotten it then acted on it, the payoff has been tangible. In hindsight I’ve been able to say, “Yes, that was God! I asked; He told.” And my trust in Him is upped that much more. Reliance on a faithful guide begets good instruction; good instruction begets deeper trust and gratitude.

I can feel that gratitude even as I reflect on the past week, and look forward to His direction in the coming one. I fancy I’m a good driver when guided, and since Renee and I are going to a couple Christmas parties this week at unfamiliar locations, we’ll test that theory out.

Have a great weekend. Thanks for being here.


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