Random Ramblings #31: Drunk Cops, Waving Bears, Brave Dogs and Margaret Thatcher

Every Friday we’ll take a break from topical posts and will post some random personal thoughts. 

A Cuppa Joe – Random Ramblings from a Fellow Struggler

I’ve got no intelligent juices flowing this morning, and I’ve overdosed on Republican candidate issues, important as they are. So let’s turn to Yahoo! news for some junk food items.

We’ll be in good company chowing down the junk food. Florida police officers were paid to chomp Doritos and wash them down with Jim Beam.

Yes. In the interest of testing the effectiveness of a breathalyzer device, the men in blue drank on the job to better protect and serve, a situation begging for quips and barbs. Some of the better ones from the comments section:

“Where can I apply for this job? I have years of experience!!”

“My boss pays me to drink except he doesn’t know about it yet.”

And my favorite:

“Officer at a traffic stop ‘Ma’am, your eyes are red, have you been drinking alcohol?’ Woman to officer ‘Your eyes are glazed. Have you been eating doughnuts?’ “

Bizarre on-the-job stories got an even bigger boost when fliers on a British Airways Transcontinental Flight were informed (by a recording no less!) in the middle of the night that their plane was about to dive into the ocean for an emergency crash landing.

Predictable panic set in, until a flight attendant casually announced the message was an error, an automatic pre-recorded statement triggered by someone who bumped into the switch that set it off.

What’s worse – hearing your plane is about to crash, hearing it from a recording, or having an attendant say, “Just kidding. Go back to sleep.”

But if people are surprising, animals are upstaging them. A zebra took a bite out of a woman driving through a Texas wildlife safari park. Her window was left down as she ate chips, so a response from the wildlife isn’t shocking, but I somehow expect more restraint from zebras.

Bears can exceed expectations, too. You’ve probably already seen the waving bear clip, but if you haven’t, click here.

It just takes a few seconds, and it’s so blasted adorable. Always makes me grin, and reminds me we were created to interact with the animals, an experience we’ll recapture when Christ reigns and everything’s at peace. Can’t wait. I’ve got dibs on the bears.

Dogs can also astound, as did an Australian Cattle Dog who saved his owner’s two children from a deadly snake who was waiting under a swing they were about to play on.

The snake arched, ready to strike, when the dog spotted it and pounced, saving the kids but getting bitten in the process. He’s recovering, thankfully. I’ve been called a dog a few times, and have always thought I could do worse. Cheers to such a brave canine.

And boos to the farmer who caught then spray-painted hawks as a prank to fool birdwatchers into thinking they’d discovered a new species. Nothing funny there, just a reminder that most pranks have cruelty at their core.

Meryl Streep’s portrayal of Margaret Thatcher in The Iron Lady is anything but cruel, though.  I was pleasantly surprised at such a respectful, sensitive look at an amazing conservative leader who still inspires debate and, from some of us, deep admiration. Check it out; I don’t think you’ll be disappointed.

And I hope you won’t be disappointed in your weekend, either. God bless. Thanks for being here.




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