4 Straight Facts about ‘Gay Conversion’ Therapy

prop·a·gan·da noun 1.derogatory – information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view.Conversion Therapy

Last year’s Gallup poll on American attitudes towards the media showed that less than a third – 32% – had a high or even a fair level of confidence in it. Most of us, it seems, realize news stories are often something else, posing as news, yet designed not to inform but to persuade to a particular view.

Because media bias usually tilts Left, the view it hopes us to adopt is predictably anti-conservative, aggressively so when stories on gender or sexuality are presented.So tonight’s piece on ABC’s 20/20 (10 pm EST) about “conversion therapy camps” for teenagers looks like another case in point: an expose of fringe groups imposing horrible practices on homosexual and/or disturbed kids, followed by the suggestion that all Christian ministries addressing homosexuality are similarly sinister.

Certainly, an investigative report on teens being mistreated is a good thing, and if it prevents future abuses while bringing abusers to justice, then both it and ABC should be applauded. It will shift from journalism to propaganda, though, if it suggests that the wrongdoing uncovered in a few cult-like, hyper-authoritative camps is business as usual among the many responsible people ministering to the same-sex attracted.

Since tonight’s show underscores the national conversation going on about what’s often called “Conversion Therapy” let me offer four points on the subject that deserve consideration.

Conversion Therapy is an Overused and Misapplied Term

According to the American Psychiatric Association, conversion therapy (also commonly called “reparative therapy”) is “based upon the assumption that homosexuality per se is a mental disorder or based upon the a priori assumption that the patient should change his/her sexual homosexual orientation.”

To practice conversion therapy, then, you need to believe homosexuality is a mental disorder, and that the proper goal of therapy is to change sexual attractions from homosexual to heterosexual. Technically, you also should be a literal “therapist” if you’re practicing therapy, which implies a clinical rather than a Biblical emphasis.

Take a few minutes to peruse the websites of individuals or ministries offering help to people struggling against same-sex desires, and you’ll look in vain for claims that they will completely “convert” sexual desires from gay to straight, or that homosexuals are mentally ill.

Start with the Restored Hope Network, one of the most prominent organizations mistakenly referred to as a “Conversion Therapy” proponent. Then check out Courage,  a longstanding Catholic resource for believers wanting to know how to handle their sexual desires and relationships. Then try Exodus Global Alliance and see for yourself if they claim they’ll convert people from one orientation to the other, or that gays and lesbians are mental cases.

You’ll generally find these organizations believe, as do I, that we are created beings whose Creator had a specific plan in mind for our sexual experience, and that homosexuality, like many other human conditions, falls short of His design. That makes it a sin, certainly, but hardly insanity.

(FYI, we also believe lust is a sin without believing people who lust are mentally defective. We believe lying is a sin without believing a lie qualifies you for shock treatment. Just sayin’.)

You’ll also find that we do, indeed, believe in change. Change of perspective, behavior, relational skills, identity, and change in the power homosexual desires have had over us along with a belief in the potential, in many cases, of heterosexual arousal occurring as well.

We also believe in conversion, for sure. Conversion from death to life through faith in Christ, (John 3:3; I Peter 1:23) conversion of behavior (Acts 3:19; Romans 6:19) and self-view, (Romans 8:37; Ephesians 1:18) and the converting power of God to change lives, a transformative work St. Paul described (II Corinthians 3:18) while noting that temptations towards old patterns are guaranteed and so, to some extent, new creations in Christ will always struggle with their old nature. (Galatians 5:17)

Call that stupid if you please, or backwards, or outdated. But you can’t with integrity call it “conversion therapy” since we neither offer nor promise a conversion of same-sex attractions into opposite sex ones, and we don’t tell our clients they’re crazy. Rather, we equip people of faith to manage the sexual desires they have, and maintain fidelity to their own world view.

Nor do we try converting people’s beliefs on the matter. We’re up to our necks in people who are already converted, holding traditional Biblical beliefs and finding their own feelings or behaviors are at odds with those beliefs. That’s why they want help; that’s why they deserve it.

Image Isn’t Always Reality

Some fringe churches include the handling of rattlesnakes as part of their worship experience, considering it a sign of faith. They’re Charismatic as well, so one could mistakenly presume all Charismatic churches (which would include all Assemblies of God, Calvary Chapel, Foursquare, and Vineyard congregations) pull out the copperheads when it’s time to praise. Thankfully, people usually see the difference between the extreme exception and the general rule.

But when the wrongs of some within a group get ascribed to the majority of the group, then a false image is created, an injustice is done, and propaganda is spread.

Effectively, I might add. So if you want to silence people who hold an opposing view, then here’s a good strategy: discredit them in the eyes of the public by showing extremists who hold their viewpoint, then convince the public that all people holding that viewpoint are as dangerous and evil as the extremists you showcased.

That’ll do the trick; just ask Hitler’s propagandists.

Is that the America we really want? One in which diversity is crushed in the name of justice? Surely lesbians, gays, bisexuals, and transgenders have every right to live as they please, without criminalization, mistreatment, or fear of violence. But it’s just as certain that people disapproving of their behaviors are equally entitled to both the expression and the practice of their beliefs, notwithstanding the few bad eggs holding similar beliefs.

That’s how we roll on other issues. We’re aware of the many public school teachers who’ve molested their students. The Board of Behavioral Sciences routinely yanks the licenses of therapists who’ve unethically had sex with their clients. The Catholic Church has been shaken to the core by injuries some priests have inflicted on children. Some parents abuse their kids; some spouses attack their partners. It all happens; it’s all horrible.

Yet no one is saying public teaching should be banned, psychotherapy should be criminalized, the priesthood should be abolished, all parents are evil, and all spouses are violent. Because (can I get a Duh?) when it’s proven that someone violated someone else, then on a case by case basis it should be dealt with, the guilt applying only to the individual, not to a broader group he may be part of. Is there any reason this principle, followed in all these other instances, shouldn’t apply here as well?

Batteries Aren’t Included

The actress Ashley Judd, speaking to the Women’s March on DC last January, referred ominously to shock treatment being imposed on gay teenagers under the new Administration:

“Electro conversion therapy, the new gas chambers shaming the gay out of America, turning rainbows into suicide notes.”

Scary stuff, and Judd isn’t alone in mentioning it. There’s recently been a surge of voices suggesting or outright claiming that some churches, ministries, or Christian counselors subject homosexuals to electroshock therapy. As the saying goes, “A lie can travel halfway around the world while truth is still tying its shoelaces.” So in the interest of keeping our shoes tied, let’s unpack this.

First, it’s true that homosexuals in the past were subjected to electroshock therapy, voluntarily or involuntarily. Indeed, in decades past when homosexuality was criminalized, lesbian women and gay men were institutionalized without their consent, a horrendous abuse in and of itself, compounded by forced treatments,
even lobotomies.

This psychiatric abuse – torture, even –  of homosexuals co-existed with similar abuses inflicted on women, strong willed children, and others. Among such abuses shock treatments were common, as portrayed in films like Francis or One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest.

In addition to forced shock, voluntary and lessor forms of it were made available to people wanting treatment for exhibitionism, aggression, addiction, or homosexuality. When utilized to treat homosexuality, these usually involved mild shocks applied to the patient when viewing pictures of the same sex, an approach we can rightfully dismiss as at least misguided; at worst, traumatic.

But search for evidence of ministries today even considering such an approach and, again, you’ll search in vain. That won’t stop people from claiming it happens, because a public uproar against “conversion ministries” is inevitable if the public can be convinced they shock the faithful.

Personal Anecdotes Aren’t Proof of Harm

In 1692 a group of girls claimed that citizens of Salem were tormenting them with witchcraft, and based on no evidence apart from the girl’s claims, 19 innocent people were hanged. Centuries later, in the 1990’s, an entire industry claiming to revive repressed memories of satanic ritual abuse thrived, and based on personal accusations alone, families were split, careers destroyed, lives ruined. We never seem to learn.

It’s shameful when people dish out slander. It’s even more discouraging to see how easily people swallow it.

In 2013, for example, the New Jersey Senate Health, Human Services, and Senior Citizens Committee held a three-hour hearing on a bill that would ban therapists from practicing “reparative therapy” on minors. Testifying in favor of the bill was Brielle Goldani who claimed that as a teenager, in 1997, she was forced by her parents to attend a conversion therapy camp in Ohio called True Directions.

Goldani further claimed the camp was sponsored by an Assemblies of God church, and that while there, she and others teens were hooked up to electrodes for shock treatment, forced to learn flirting techniques with the opposite sex, and subjected to iv injections inducing vomiting.

Any decent person reacts with violent disgust to such a scenario, and no doubt Goldani’s testimony moved the Committee deeply.

But it was complete fabrication. Goldani’s former church denied ever hearing of such a program, the Ohio Secretary of State and Attorney General confirmed that no such camp ever existed, no paper trail could be found leading to it, no other person has ever filed a complaint against the camp (as they surely would have if it existed) and the only solid thing Goldani’s testimony could be linked to was a 1999 film about conversion camps titled But I’m a Cheerleader.

In response, Dr. Elton Moose, a licensed counselor from Springfield, Ohio, said in a written statement:  “I have been in this business for 24 years and have not heard of this camp. … These types of shock-therapy accusations have been around for many years, but I have not actually known a practice that has used this therapy.”

Nor does anyone else, because it simply doesn’t happen. Shock therapy has to be administered by a medical doctor in a medical setting utilizing expensive and specialized equipment. The idea of it being performed in a church or para-church environment stretches all credulity.

It also reminds us that, to achieve a social/political goal, silence an inconvenient opposing viewpoint, or avoid personal responsibility, some people will resort to any means necessary, however dishonest or unfair.

That’s why a gay pastor in Texas claimed a local Whole Foods market decorated a cake he bought from them with the word “Fag”, then admitted he’d lied when the evidence against him became overwhelming. That’s why a gay man in Iowa City filed a police report claiming an African American male beat him severely while calling him anti-gay names, only to later admit under investigation that the claim was entirely bogus and his wounds were self-inflicted.  That’s why a lesbian couple in Parker, Colorado, were charged by the police with criminal mischief and filing a false report after they claimed someone painted the phrase “Kill the Gay” on their garage door, a story which fell apart when investigated by the FBI. Claiming a victim’s status based on sexual orientation can divert attention from real wrongs done, while eliciting sympathy for the individual and the cause.

Trouble is, most lesbians and gays are far too responsible and sincere to practice this sort of nonsense, so they, too, are unfairly smeared when it’s practiced. And violence against homosexual and transgender people is real, common, and evil. Just as the false claims of satanic ritual abuse unfairly discredited victims of real abuse, so false claims of gay-bashing today make it all the harder for real victims of it to be heard.

But by the same token, each claim of abuse, whether of violence by another person, or malpractice by a minister or counselor, should be taken case by case, requiring evidence beyond someone simply claiming “I was harmed.”

Even the American Psychological Association, which clearly positions itself as favoring gay rights, normalizing homosexuality, and being opposed to “conversion therapy”, had the integrity to assess the claims of damage done by what they called Sexual Orientation Conversion Efforts (SOCE) when they said:

“We conclude that there is a dearth of scientifically sound research on the safety of SOCE. Early and recent research studies provide no clear evidence of the prevalence of harmful outcomes among people who have undergone efforts to change their sexual orientation or the frequency of the occurrence of harm because no study to date of adequate scientific rigor has been explicitly designed to do so. Thus, we cannot conclude how likely it is that harm will occur from SOCE.”

Listen, Learn Love

Let’s listen to the stories ABC presents tonight. Let’s weep with kids who were abused, demand corrective action be taken, pray hard for them and their families, and let their pain educate us on what it’s like to be different, disliked, dismissed.

Let’s also learn to distinguish between the actions of some versus the actions of most, applying the Proverbs literally when they remind us that “Unjust weights and measures are an abomination.” (Proverbs 11:1) Outrage against social injustice is called for; determinations of social injustice need to be made fairly.

Then let’s love. Let’s love our fellow citizens enough to, as Paul said, strive to live peaceably with all. (Romans 12:18) As Jesus commanded (Luke 10:25-37) let’s also be real neighbors to our neighbors, regardless of their orientation or behavior, serving them when we can, respecting them as people, and prayerfully sharing the gospel with them as wisdom and opportunity allow.

Let’s also, though, love God and the Body of Christ enough to refuse to bend when the culture says Anathema! to our service towards those who, by God’s grace, realize their sexual leanings are outside His will. As long as there are people wanting to live sanctified lives, contrary to whatever their sexual desires may be, I hope always to have the honor of walking with them. Hundreds of other counselors, pastors, and ministry leaders share that hope with me. Please, then, remember us in prayer as you remember the teens profiled in tonight’s show.

All of us need God’s grace in our lives. May all of us receive it.


Carey Oster | Mar 10, 2017

Great article! The net can be cast that "all" therapy is hurtful is obviously done to help promote the gay agenda and "normalize" this lifestyle. Yet, this is a lie. Rarely are all-encompassing words carriers of the truth. People who have unwanted SSA desires and seek help so these don't rule their life have just as much right to seek help as those who want to identify as homosexual and live free from hate crimes, discrimination, etc., can do so under the law.

Jennifer | Mar 10, 2017

simply amazing Joe. VERY well said. Thank you.

Steven Lewis | Mar 10, 2017

Your insight on this issue is incredible. By far the best article I've ever read on this subject. Thank you so much for posting this.

Anthony Barber | Mar 10, 2017

Frankly Joe, I don't expect anything fair and balanced from the mainstream media as far as LGBT issues are concerned. I just assume they are going to echo the lie that gay is good, and anyone who says otherwise is bad. Good article though, as usual☺.

Jim | Mar 10, 2017

It seems to me, Joe, that 20/20 could be called out on their misrepresentation. Somehow, I hope people will hear the truth and recognize the blatantly false propaganda for what it is. I remember hearing the same fiction on "Criminal Minds", and I remember the anger and frustration I felt when they presented a plot of lies as truth. Even Snopes and Truthorfiction.com have the sense to proclaim the stories as fiction. I'm thankful for your ministry and the others you mentioned, who are able to present the notion that truth and reason can coexist. I continue to pray for you every day.


Stephen Black | Mar 11, 2017

Excellent my friend - articulate, wise and brilliantly communicated the facts! Grateful.

Jerry Armelli | Mar 13, 2017

Sincere appreciation for the time, effort and prayer you put into particular blog, Joe. It is outstanding in its logic, reasoning and biblical picture of the human condition and perspective the redemption of that condition. It's about Jesus. For those in Jesus it's easy to see. For those not in Jesus it is difficult to see. Keep up the Great Work, brother. Keep shining the Light.

Jerry Writer | Mar 14, 2017

The 100 plus Christian camps that exist to help troubled boys, including ones who trouble is their sexual orientation, are not licensed, regulated or monitored because of religious freedom laws. Some have whipped children, starved them, locked them in dark isolation rooms for days or weeks at a time. And when police tried to intervene in the worst places in Alabama, state GOP officials protected the abusive men who ran the camps, assuming pastors are always good and gay children are always bad. The ABC 20/20 report covered the extreme cases, but showed that abuse can be more subtle. A 17 year old lesbian girl was forced to go to a Christian school in Texas with the idea that being told for a year that homosexuality was a sin would be just what the minor needed. She happened to have a famous cousin actor, Jeremy Jordan, from TV's Super Girl show. He started a public campaign to get the girl freed, stating he could not believe "there are still places where LGBT kids are being taken to against their will for the purpose of being told they are evil sinners who God will torture forever simply because they are LGBT. There is no justification for this. The World Psychiatric Association joined with every national medical assn. in calling for an end to gay-curing therapies and counseling because sexual orientation is a not a choice. Joe Dallas admitted they can't turn people completely heterosexual, and he knows that the largest and oldest ex-gay ministries closed after leaders admitted nobody became heterosexual during the 40 years of change claims. Yet, he is willing to sacrifice children on the altar of his anti-LGBT views. It's tragic.

Jerry Writer | Mar 15, 2017

I re-read your post. Then I read the descriptions of RHN, Courage and EGA. Nobody offers a change to heterosexuality. Christians who are SSA are warned not to expect to become heterosexual - "at least not fully" as Joe put it. The primary goal is the pious but vague slogan, "holiness, not heterosexuality." They require lifelong celibacy for LGBT Christians, though Joe said a small fraction may become aroused heterosexually. So, we are at a new point. There is unanimous agreement among medical and religious groups that there is no method to change attractions. This explains the growing acceptance of LGBT people in liberal churches. But religious conservatives don't accept certain actions and relationships as valid. Is that about right?

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