A Few Questions Before You Click

This is a familiar scene to you: you’ve got some spare time, you know watching porn will deliver high impact and release, nobody will know, you’ll be forgiven by God as soon as you ask, then you can move on. No big deal.

Which is, of course, the problem. Because it’s gotten to be a much bigger deal than you realize.

When something’s wrong but no longer shocking, it’s a lot easier to give into it. And since porn use it so common today, not to mention so convenient and easy to use, it’s lost a lot of its shock value. We have an epidemic which we’re not alarmed about. That’s alarming.

So today, if you’re one of the millions of believers who feel the enticement to use the stuff, you’ll be making a simple decision to either resist or indulge. Those of us in the Body of Christ who love you and are joined to you (much less your wife and family who need you in ways that can’t be measured) are counting on you to make the right decision when the urge hits, because believe me, the entire Body is weakened when you don’t. So to help yourself make the right one, would you please consider a few simple questions?

  1. Would you view this material, and stimulate yourself while viewing it, while sitting on the altar of your local church? Because if you wouldn’t think of doing such a thing inside an earthly building, why would you do it with your own body which is the literal temple of God?
  2. Do you think the woman in the video has feelings, dreams, loved ones, and parents? Because if she’s someone’s child, mother or even wife (and she is!) and if she has a heart, which she does, what do you think this film did to her and them, and why would you support that?
  3. How long will you enjoy this time of viewing the porn, in contrast to how long you’ll feel badly about it? Because if the length of time you enjoy is significantly less than the length of time you’ll regret it, isn’t that a rather stupid investment you’re about to make?
  4. God will surely forgive you if you view this, but does it matter to you whether or not you grieve Him and hurt His heart? Because if it does, is His grace something you really want to exploit, or something you want to appreciate by responding in obedience?
  5. Are you trying to give yourself something – comfort, relief, distraction – by viewing this porn? Because if you are, is it really so hard finding more legitimate ways to get what you’re looking for?

Know what you’re doing, and know you have a choice. Then please – from all of us who need you – make the right one.


A | Sep 26, 2017

Amen Joe. Once again you have hit the nail on the head. As a single man I have to work harder to avoid the temptation. I discovered porn at 14. I'm not saying I'm perfect since becoming born again and seeing in the Word that porn is not an option (Matt. 5:27-30) but I'm far better than I was. Thanks again.

pdomkowski | Sep 28, 2017

Thanks Joe. I so enjoy your blog. You help more of us than you know.

shecoaches2004 | Oct 4, 2017

Great article Joe, Thank you. Donna Elliott

Nicolas | Oct 14, 2017

I needed to read this! Thank you so much Joe. When I saw you for the first time on tv, I could see that you have a real relationship with God and that the Spirit of Jesus is in you. Let's get the Word out. People everywhere need to consider these truths. I'm going to share your site with everyone I know that's struggling in these areas (which is mosly everybody) Let's shine the light of Jesus in the deep darkness around us. Let's speak the truth in love.🙂

Marsha Taylor | Nov 7, 2017

Joe, What resources are available for an adult male with a gay history being released from prison? He is now a Christian and struggling with changing to a new life. He needs the encouragement and mentoring by Christian friends. He is in Texas.

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