Assessing Matthew Vines “God and the Gay Christian” Pt. VII
May 26, 2014 | Keeping It Clean
“Jesus Christ did not say, ‘Go into all the world and tell the world that it is quite right.’ The Gospel is something completely different.…
“Jesus Christ did not say, ‘Go into all the world and tell the world that it is quite right.’ The Gospel is something completely different.…
“When I use a word,” Humpty Dumpty said in rather a scornful tone, “it means just what I choose it to mean — neither…
“The messages he had received referred to articles or news items which for one reason or another it was thought necessary to alter, or,…
“All lies and jest, Still a man hears what he wants to hear, and disregards the rest.” -Simon and Garfunkel, The Boxer Reading Matthew…
The heart is an artist that paints over what profoundly disturbs us, leaving on the canvas a less dark, less sharp version of the…
God and the Gay Christian, Matthew Vine’s new and well publicized book, argues that we should reconsider what the Bible says about homosexuality. His…
Why Bother? Today’s church is being asked – pressured, really – to follow the culture’s lead, and the culture is leading towards wholesale approval…
Several people have asked me to comment on Matthew Vine’s new book God and the Gay Christian, a recent and well-publicized argument for legitimizing…
Popular author and speaker Jen Hatmaker’s declaration that she now condones same-sex marriage is another cog in an expanding wheel of leaders who are…
The Gay Marriage Debate: Winning, Losing or Dropping Out? (Part 6) “No Church Left Behind” Just got back from vacation in Northern California, where…
Amy Grant, Franklin Graham, and Same Sex Weddings She said, he said. Now what should we say? She is Amy Grant, recent Kennedy Center…
When a liberal church goes pro-gay, we yawn. When an Assemblies of God congregation announces it’s “gay affirming”, we wake up. Hopefully. Last Sunday…
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