Believers may know where they stand on the issue, but many are wondering how to stand.
As both culture and Church become more divided over sexuality, big questions emerge: How should Christian parents respond to gay or transgender loved ones? How do we deal with young people in our church who are confused? What do we say when people call us “haters?” How can we answer pro-gay arguments? What does the Bible really say?
And what about discipling same-sex strugglers? How do we show love without compromising truth?
Author and Biblical counselor Joe Dallas has been addressing these questions for over 30 years.
Now he’s developed a five-part seminar to equip Christians with deeper insights, practical tools,
and help them dialogue with and minister to gay, lesbian and transgender people.

8:00am – 9:00am Registration
9:00am – 12 Noon Teaching Sessions 1-3
12:00-1:00pm Lunch
1:00pm-3:00pm Teaching Session 4-5
3:00-3:30pm Q and A
3:30 Close
- Workbooks provided for each participant
- Teaching Sessions are 50 minutes long
- Format can be tailored to meet the needs of the hosting church
Watch two sample videos here: The Case For Truth and Sexuality and Truth

Sessions Include:
Session One: Where We Are, What We Face, Why It Matters
The history and goals of the gay rights movement in America from the perspective of a former activist, and what cultural and spiritual influences have brought us to the challenges we face today. Special detail is given to ministry opportunities, legal and cultural battles, and the need for a more robust Biblically-based response from the Church.
Session Two: What Can I Say To My Gay Friend?
This session explains how to dialogue with lesbian or gay person, what questions to ask, factors to consider, and arguments you’re likely to hear. Included is a practical way to explain the Christian world view as it pertains to homosexuality, as well as the emotional and spiritual context of the dialogue.
Session Three: What Can I Say To My Transgender Friend?
This session explains how to dialogue with a transgender person, what questions to ask, what factors to consider, and arguments you’re likely to hear. A practical way of explaining the Christian world view as it pertains to transgender is included, and the emotional and spiritual context of the dialogue is also covered.
Session Four: Answering Pro-Gay Theology
As more churches become “gay affirming,” more people are challenging our traditional understanding of homosexuality and scripture. Drawing from his year on staff with a gay-affirming church, Joe covers the specific Bible verses referring to homosexuality, explains how pro-gay theologians reinterpret these verses, and offers specific answers to give when refuting pro-gay theology.
Session Five: When LGBT Hits Home
The emotional challenges Christian parents face when their children “come out” to them are explained in this session, and specific suggestions are given for asking the right questions, setting boundaries and preserving family relationships. Challenges family members face such as invitations to gay weddings, requests to use “preferred pronouns” and accusations of hatred are also addressed.