The Game Plan

The use of pornography, adultery, prostitution and other sexual sins is epidemic in both the culture and, tragically, the Church as well. Thousands of Christian men admit they struggle with sexual sin and temptation, and know full well how deadly it can be. Utilizing his five-point recovery plan of Repentance, Order, Understanding Training and Endurance (ROUTE™), Joe provides a step-by step plan for men who are ready to take action– a plan that thousands of men have found to be user-friendly, easy to understand and effective.

The Game Plan The Game Plan
This seminar was awesome. I’ve struggled with internet pornography for several years and have constantly searched for resources to aid me in my journey towards wholeness. The Game Plan is the single best resource I’ve encountered…Thank you Mr. Dallas!” Seminar Attendee

Seminars are held on Saturdays and begin with registration
from 8:00-9:00am Teaching begins at 9:00am and ends at 3:30
pm, with a one hour lunch break and ten minute break each
hour. We recommend the lunch break be on premises to
encourage discussion among participants, and so that we will
be able to resume again promptly after lunch.

Participants are given a workbook with outlines to fill in
for each teaching session.

Seminars are made up of five teaching sessions utilizing
PowerPoint and workbooks. Each session 50 minutes in
length, with a ten minute break between sessions.

The Game Plan The Game Plan

Sessions Include:


How a God-sent “crises of truth” brings a man to an awareness of his need to repent, and how that crises plays out internally and externally. This session also offers some practical direction for taking the initial steps for a man to separate himself from the sexual sin he’s repenting of, and from influences that would draw him back to it.


Establishing daily disciplines, re-establishing intimacy with God following repentance, and the “how-to’s” of establishing effective accountability and setting up a three-prong structure of disciplines, alliances and restitution, to help keep your integrity intact.


This session explores the personal wounds and conflicts that men involved in sexual sin often experience, and helps them better understand the impact their behavior has had
on them, and on the people who love them. Emphasis is placed on understanding the pain experienced by wives when their husbands engage in the use of pornography or adulterous behavior.


Specific techniques are offered in this session, to help men develop tools for withstanding sexual temptation and to better understand their temptation cycles. The problem of poor impulse control, and the need to develop better resistance capacity, is also addressed.


Staying the course through relapse prevention and a maintenance oriented lifestyle is spelled out in this final session, which equips the participants with principles and techniques for consistency and ongoing integrity.

Joe, your compassion, honesty and forthright presentation was so on target… [I received] new insight and confirmation. So glad I made the time to be here.”
Seminar Attendee

Joe Dallas gives… a much needed plan for battling pornography and sexual addiction. The Game Plan will give you the tools necessary to stop looking at pornography and never return.”
Craig Gross, Founder of XXX

It’s a worthy companion. Joe’s advice is sound and his format is friendly.”
Tom Minnery, Vice President, Focus on the Family

The Game Plan The Game Plan

Book Joe
