“Tone It Down?” Good Idea. Here Are 10 Ways
July 15, 2024 | Uncategorized
In the aftermath of Saturday’s assassination attempt, leaders from all sides are saying “Let’s tone the rhetoric down!” Their talking points include “We’re All…
In the aftermath of Saturday’s assassination attempt, leaders from all sides are saying “Let’s tone the rhetoric down!” Their talking points include “We’re All…
What Are We Talking About?More and more people are throwing out the term “Conversion Therapy,” applying it to anyone who (a) believes homosexuality falls…
For I know that in me, that is in my flesh, there dwells no good thing. (Romans 7:18) Tonight’s a time for monsters, like…
Plenty of folks are lamenting Andy Stanley’s decision to host a pro-gay conference this weekend at his North Point mega-church.Good. We all should grieve…
Barring a tsunami-like miracle, the state of California will soon dictate what you may or may not teach your children about sexuality, by what…
Truth divides, but it’s always relevant, whether it’s popular or reviled. So as stewards of truth, Christians stay relevant when we express God’s heart…
Amy Grant, Franklin Graham, and Same Sex WeddingsShe said, he said. Now what should we say?She is Amy Grant, recent Kennedy Center honoree and…
Hey, Friend, thanks for your prayers and support throughout 2022! What a fantastic, blessed year it’s been for us here at CloudFire Ministries, so…
We get that question a lot. There are lots of other questions we get, too, some of them urgent.Your year-end gift to CloudFire Ministries…
34 years ago I realized three simple truths: – Most Christians know WHAT they believe. – Some Christians struggle to LIVE what they believe – Other Christians wonder how to DEFEND what they believe.Most Christians…
Thanks for Partnering with Us!Every Tuesday, I’ll be updating you on our projects, upcoming events, and prayer and ministry needs. Let me thank you…
Things sure got busy around here! We’re grateful and blessed to update you on some of the ways we’ve been able to expand our…
13 years ago I wrote this article for the Christian Research Journal. In the years since, “transgender” has evolved from a seldom-recognized issue to…
I posted this open letter 9 years ago on August 2, 2012. It was the day after a nation-wide show of support for Chic-Fil-A…