“Talking About Transgender: Discussing the Issue, Loving the Person”
These are daily happenings. Not well publicized, maybe, but common. Not only are more and more people identifying themselves as transgender, but more and more Christians are realizing they know and love someone who is transgender, but are at a loss as to what they should say, do, and feel. This webinar is for parents, pastors and counselors.
Wednesdays 12pm PST, 3pm EST
August 4 | September 8 | October 13
- A Christian family has a son announce that he now identifies as a woman
- A Christian employee is told he now has to call a female co-worker by a man’s name or he’ll risk losing his job
- A young person raised in church asks her Christian parents why they are so “transphobic”
- A Christian wife learns her husband is planning a transition to a female identity
This webinar is for parents, pastors, and counselors.
These are daily happenings. Not well publicized, maybe, but common. Not only are more and more people identifying themselves as transgender, but more and more Christians are realizing they know and love someone who is transgender, but are at a loss as to what they should say, do, and feel. This webinar will talk about how to love LGBT plus persons in your life.
In this 3-part webinar we’ll learn how to deal with the tricky issues that come up when you are trying to talk about transgender, and how to counsel and minister to people who say “If I feel I’m in the wrong body, why shouldn’t I change my body?”
August 4, 12:00 Noon PST
Part 1: The “Why”
How to Explain Why You Stand Where You Stand
They tell you there’s nothing wrong with being transgender. Then they tell you there’s something wrong with you if you don’t agree.
“Why,” they ask, “are you so transphobic? Why can’t you just love and accept someone as they are?”
Part One of our series will equip you with the main ideas and talking points to use when you explain why you believe what you believe, how you came to that belief, and why your belief is neither hateful nor harmful. A sample dialogue will be provided.
September 8, 12:00 Noon PST
Part 2: The “Who”
What to Say (and What NOT to Say!) When Someone You Love is Transgender
Now that you know, what do you do? Your loved one has just “come out” to you as trans, and so many questions are raised:
How do I handle the emotional roller I’m going through?
How do I handle the pain, the fear, the rage?
What can I say to change their mind?
What should I NOT say?
How do I know when to speak, what boundaries to draw, and what kind of relationship I can expect to have?
We’ll answer these questions and more as we discuss how to maintain a relationship with a transgendered loved one, without compromising truth or compassion, and how to take care of yourself and your family in the meantime.
October 13, 12:00 Noon PST
The “How”
Ministering to a Transgendered Person
Someone says, “I think I’m trans, but I don’t know what to do about it.” Great opportunity! But it raises some vital questions:
How do I minister to someone who’s struggling with their gender identity?
How do I disciple someone who has already started to transition?
How do I explain what kind of changes a person can expect when she or he says, “I will follow Christ, but I feel confused. Will I ever get over this?”
How do I, as a Pastor, counsel a transgendered person?
Today’s church needs to be ready to answer these questions. SO does today’s Christian! In this final part of our series, we’ll discuss practical and Biblically based ways to serve and minister to transgendered people.
Each webinar includes 60 minutes of teaching and 30 minutes of Q & A. Participants will receive a set of outlines to accompany the webinar.
The cost is $45.00 for a complete three-part series.
Each part of the webinar will be recorded, and each participant will be sent a free link to view the recorded version. That way you can view each part of the entire webinar whether or not you’re available during its live presentation.
We sure hope you’ll join us!